Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

At auron, we are unwavering in our commitment to ethical business practices, sustainability, and the highest standards of integrity. As part of our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, we stand firmly against all forms of modern slavery, including forced labour, human trafficking, child labour, and exploitative practices, throughout our operations and supply chain.

This policy is designed to ensure compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to proactively address risks of modern slavery in every facet of our business.

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This policy applies to auron, our employees, contractors, and all entities within our supply chain. It is reviewed annually to ensure ongoing relevance and alignment with evolving legal requirements and industry best practices.


Zero Tolerance for Modern Slavery

  • We categorically oppose slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking in any form.
  • auron ensures that our operations comply with international standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, and the International Labour Organisation’s conventions.

Supplier Engagement and Due Diligence

  • We require all suppliers and contractors to adhere to our Anti Slavery Policy and provide evidence of their compliance with anti slavery laws.
  • Suppliers must submit their own Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy as a precondition for engagement.
  • Regular due diligence checks are conducted, including supplier audits and risk assessments, to identify, prevent, and address risks of modern slavery.
  • All suppliers must agree to and sign our Supplier Code of Conduct, which explicitly outlines our ethical expectations regarding forced labour and human trafficking.

Ethical Employment Practices

  • auron ensures that all employees and workers in our operations, regardless of location, are employed voluntarily and paid fairly in line with local labour laws.
  • We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or abusive practices in any form.

Training and Awareness

  • All employees, contractors, and supply chain partners are trained on identifying and addressing risks of modern slavery.
  • Managers and procurement teams receive specialised training to ensure vigilance in supplier selection and ongoing monitoring.

Grievance Mechanisms and Whistleblowing

  • We maintain a confidential whistleblowing channel to allow employees, suppliers, and partners to report concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  • Reports are investigated thoroughly, and corrective action is taken swiftly when necessary.

Monitoring and Risk Assessment

  • auron ensures that all employees and workers in our operations, regardless of location, are employed voluntarily and paid fairly in line with local labour laws.
  • We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or abusive practices in any form.

Supply chain

Supplier Screening

  • Potential suppliers are subject to rigorous pre-qualification assessments to ensure compliance with anti slavery laws and policies.
  • All contracts include clauses requiring compliance with anti slavery regulations.

Continuous Engagement

  • Suppliers are required to provide annual statements confirming their adherence to anti slavery policies and practices.
  • In high risk regions or industries, we engage independent third parties to conduct enhanced audits and verify compliance.

Zero Tolerance on Non Compliance

  • If a supplier fails to meet our anti slavery standards, we will work with them to improve practices. Persistent non compliance will result in termination of the business relationship.

Alignment with
ESG principles

As a sustainability focused organisation, we view anti slavery efforts as integral to our broader ESG commitments. Key initiatives include:


  • Advocating for transparency and ethical practices in global supply chains.
  • Partnering with suppliers who demonstrate robust human rights practices and certifications.
  • Ensuring that all stakeholders, from employees to clients, understand and support our anti slavery stance.

and accountability

Board Oversight

  • auron’s Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing our compliance with anti slavery laws and ensuring alignment with our ESG principles.
  • Regular updates and progress reports on anti slavery initiatives are reviewed by the board.

Policy & Review

  • This policy is reviewed annually to ensure compliance with legislative updates and global best practices.

and Transparency

auron will publish an annual Modern Slavery Statement outlining the actions taken to prevent modern slavery within our operations and supply chain. This statement will be publicly available on our website, providing transparency to stakeholders and clients.


auron is dedicated to building a sustainable and ethical business environment, free from exploitation. Through continuous vigilance, collaboration, and innovation, we aim to set a standard of excellence in combating modern slavery, ensuring that all aspects of our operations and supply chain reflect our unwavering commitment to human rights.

Contact Information

If you have any concerns regarding this policy or wish to report potential violations, please contact us at:
